September 17-21 2018
Strategies, Resources, and Breakthroughs for Parents of Children with Chronic Illness
Unity Eastside Church
Rev. Jean was ordained into ministry in June of 2002 after successfully completing the two year training program at Unity School of Christianity. By October 2002, she had been hired as the Minister of Unity Eastside Church where she is still serving.
One of the central messages of her ministry is: We each come into this world with a gift, and as a gift. Rev. Jean emphasizes connecting with the Presence within in order to surrender our limited sense of self, which then allows our Divine Self to emerge. This is the work of a lifetime, and the greatest source of joy to those who pursue it!
Rev Jean is going to be in the "hot seat" as she candidly responds to questions such as:
Why would anyone consider being a part of a spiritual community to help in the challenge of healing a child with chronic illnesses?
Why do we need to challenge spiritual communities and "shop" for a community that meets our needs?
What is the difference between being led by Faith or Fear and the impact on healing?
What changes do spiritual communities make in order to meet the needs of families with children with chronic illnesses?
How can these special families help others in their spiritual communities in their own personal spiritual development?
How can we help our children to cultivate their own divine "super powers"?
Bonus: Receive access to the Unity Directory of Churches Worldwide
HeartMath Institute
Jeffrey Goelitz is currently director of education with the nonprofit HeartMath Institute. He stays busy with education curriculum development, training, research projects and regular consultation with education professionals, mental health specialists and parents around the U.S., Mexico and Canada to help improve the well-being of youth, parent-child communication and classroom climate and performance. In the last fifteen years he has created and contributed to numerous educational curricula and programs designed to improve social and emotional learning including the just released Smart Brain Wise Heart e-learning program. Goelitz is the co-author of Using emWave Technology For Children With ADHD, The College De-Stress Handbook, and the newly released book, Transforming Stress for Teens. When he has time, he enjoys hosting education webinars on a range of interesting topics with expert guests.
Jeffery is going to show you strategies and skills that are helpful to alleviate your child's stress and promote greater physical, mental, emotional health Here are some topics he will be covering:
What is HeartMath how is it uniquely suited to our times in today's hectic society?
What does the heart have to do with child well-being? Why does HeartMath place so much emphasis on the heart?
In these busy, sometimes stressful times we are living in, what kind of strategies and skills have you found helpful to alleviate child stress and promote greater mental health?
Why is it important that parents practice the same skills they are promoting to their children?
There is a concept of energetic communication that HeartMath discusses. What is that? How does that relate to our families?
Bonus: Receive access several FREE Healthmath audio and visual tools and resources
Holistic Life Foundation
Andres Gonzalez has been the Co-Founder and Marketing Director for the Holistic Life Foundation, Inc. in Baltimore, MD since 2001. For sixteen years, Andres has taught yoga to diverse populations throughout the world, including Baltimore City Public School students, drug treatment centers, mental crisis facilities, homeless shelters, wellness centers, colleges, private schools and other various venues throughout the nation and throughout the world. He has partnered with John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health and the Penn State’s Prevention Research Center on a Stress and Relaxation Study and is a published author in the Journal of Children’s Services. His work with the Holistic Life Foundation has been featured on Making a Differenceon the NBC Nightly News, CNN, and CBS, as well as O the Oprah Magazine, The Washington Post, Upworthy, Mindful Magazine, Yoga Journal, Shambala Sun, and many other publications. He is a certified Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, maintains a B.S. in Marketing from University of Maryland, College Park and an MBA from the University of Maryland, University College. 2001.
Andres is going to share with us the secret of the MINDFUL MOMENT. This powerful strategy empowers children to improve behavioral and emotional self regulation, and decrease anxiety and stress. Here is such a sampling of what he will be covering:
Why school teachers regularly refer students to the Mindful Room for assistance with anxiety, stress, headaches, stomach issues or emotional distress?
What is a Mindful Room? How is it set up?
What are some examples of Mindful Practices?
What is the Ambassador Program?
Bonus: Receive access to John's top selling cookbook, at no extra charge
Holistic Life Foundation
Daniel Hardt, JD, has been a full time professional numerologist for 30 years. He is the head of Life Path Numerology Center, a teaching and counseling center in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is a best selling author, instructor and consultant for business and personal growth. He has taught numerology classes throughout the United States, and has a world wide clientele. He turned down a teaching contract offered by his alma mater, DePauw University, before he was graduated, in favor of a law career. He stands ready and able to bring clarity to your life goals and challenges.
Daniel is going to share with us the secrets of Numerology. This powerful and ancient strategy has been used throughout milenia to guide people to a deeper understanding of their purpose in life. Discover your child's true purpose as a whole being and not simply a diagnosis of a disease. Here is such a sampling of what he will be covering:
How can numerology enhance your parenting approach?
Why does numerology work?
Can you really rely on the numbers?
What are the primary benefits of numerology for parenting?
How does coordinating the parents' and child's numbers create a stress free life environment?
Bonus: Receive access to John's top selling cookbook, at no extra charge
Trinity Medical Associates
Dr Chetana Kripalu is a board-certified family physician practicing in Wilmington Delaware. She believes in a holistic health model and incorporates functional medicine and mind-body medicine into her day-to-day practice.
She regularly runs cooking classes out of her home for her patients and local community members.
She’s an ardent believer in the strong connection between the spiritual and human side to life. Her goal is to help change the paradigm of health and wellness.
Dr. Kripalu is going to share with us the secrets of Mind Power. This powerful and ancient strategy has been used throughout milenia to guide people to a deeper understanding of their purpose in life. Discover your child's true purpose as a whole being and not simply a diagnosis of a disease. Here is such a sampling of what he will be covering:
How can numerology enhance your parenting approach?
Why does numerology work?
Can you really rely on the numbers?
What are the primary benefits of numerology for parenting?
How does coordinating the parents' and child's numbers create a stress free life environment?
Bonus: Receive access to John's top selling cookbook, at no extra charge
Institute for Nutritional Endocrinology
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is passionately committed to transforming exhausted high achievers all over the globe into high energy people who love their lives and live to their full potential. She founded the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology so that she could be instrumental in transforming our current broken disease-management system into a true health care system where each and every practitioner is skilled at finding the root cause of health challenges.
Dr. Ritamarie specializes in using the wisdom of nature married with modern scientific research restore balance to hormones with a special emphasis on thyroid, adrenal, and insulin imbalances. Her practitioner training programs empower health and nutrition professionals, including health coaches, physicians, nutritionists, nurses and others to use functional assessments and natural therapeutics to unravel the mystery of their clients’ complex health challenges, so they become known as go-to practitioners for true healing and lasting results.
Dr. Ritamarie is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic with Certification in Acupuncture and is a Diplomat of the American Clinical Nutrition Board. She is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist with a Master’s degree in Human Nutrition, and has completed a 500-hour Herbal Medicine Certification Program. Dr. Ritamarie has trained certified hundreds of practitioners in the art of using palate-pleasing, whole fresh food as medicine. As a certified HeartMath® provider, Dr. Ritamarie is passionate about using stress transformation techniques to guide clients to reduce the negative impact of stress on their health.
Dr. Loscalzo is going to share with you how the secrets in your child's genetics can be an important part of healing. This new understanding of the latest in genetic research will set you up for success. Here is such a sampling of what she will be covering:
Does genetic testing report a destiny of disease or an opportunity for healing?
How can genetics help us prevent adverse medication reactions?
How can genetic reports help parents create a diet that is optimal for their child's specific needs?
Many children deal with chronic mental, emotional illnesses - how can information about their genetics help customize the therapeutic process?
Bonus: Receive access to Dr. Ritamarie's
Connected Learning LLC
Darcy Lewis, MA, has a vast list of skills and experience working with children and adults who struggle with learning, behavior, or health problems. While working as a Dental Hygienist, she stumbled upon Touch For Health, which led her to Educational Kinesiology, later called Brain Gym®. Realizing the difference that Brain Gym can make in a child’s life, she went back to school to become a Special Educator, working with Learning Disabled kids in the Public School system. She taught teachers and others so they could share the Brain Gym activities and used it daily with her students and others in the general education classroom. Since retiring in 2011, she has gone on to include primitive reflex work with children and began teaching classes in that as well. Her latest work with children (and adults) is as a certified Books Neural Therapy provider, a more intensive and thorough modality, working one on one with children and adults, serving to release stuck patterns from the subconscious in order to build new neural pathways for ease of learning and being.
Darcy is going to share with us the phenomenal world of Brain Gym. These simple yet powerful movements have been used to support the healing process in all people and work especially well with children with chronic illnesses. Here is such a sampling of what she will be covering:
What are some activities or movements that any family member can do to calm themselves? (or lower their stress levels)
What can a parent do before sending his/her child out the door in the morning to school to better ensure (s)he will have a good day?
How important is movement for my child?
What would be a simple, yet most important thing I can do for my child to make sure (s)he is getting the most out of his/her education?
How can I advocate for my child without being perceived as being adversarial?
Bonus: Receive access to Darcy's Special Report "Five Tips For Optimal Brain Functioning"
Core Brain Academy
Dr. Charles Parker is a Neuroscience Consultant, Child and Adult psychiatrist, and psychopharmacologist He specializes in diagnostic and medical services for troubled children, adolescents and adults. Dr. Parker’s philosophy starts with a consistent practice of teamwork with everyone from the family in the office to a growing team of national and international providers with whom he regularly consults.
With 45 + years of experience he works with a variety of treatment issues from the challenging to the apparently simple, with patients who have multiple issues and treatment trials, and those uncomfortable with that first psychiatric consultation. Frequently he presents to a variety of national medical and lay audiences on topics from neuroimaging to advances in psychopharmacology, and the growing pervasive problems with the downstream brain effects of neurotoxins.
Dr. Parker’s diverse background includes psychoanalysis training in personal coaching; certification for use of Nuclear Medicine Pharmaceuticals and as a Radiation Safety Officer by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and the use of neuroimaging for precise clinical guidelines to choose specific medical interventions with a wide variety of brain conditions. Dr. Parker is a member of the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the Medical Society of Virginia, Society for Neuroscience, and the medical staff of Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital.
Dr. Parker is going to share with you a deeper understanding of how the field of psychiatry has evolved over the decades and why there is a need to move away from "Guesswork" to Reality. Here is a sampling of what he will be covering:
What is the most pressing issue given the current disarray of diagnoses and treatments in psychiatry?
What are the significant causes of interference with the predictability of medications and supplements when treating executive function or other psychiatric problems?
What is the biggest challenge after immunity that repeatedly creates unpredictability?
Why should practitioners use molecular measures and targeted supplementation?
What is the standard for using supplements?
Bonus: Receive access to over 300 of Dr. Parker's informational videos, at no charge
Born in Urbana, Illinois, Salena grew up with two sisters on a small farm in central Illinois. After suffering 4 miscarriages she and her husband welcomed their now oldest child into the world. In 2014 he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes after going into Diabetic Ketoacidosis. As a response, Salena delved back into her previous passion and became consumed with studying genetics, biochemical pathways, immune responses and holistic oriented methods, alongside herbal approaches and graduated from Functional Medicine University. She also received certification as a Certified Health Coach. During schooling she studied advanced training in nutrition and functional medicine and holds a Diplomat of Pastoral Science & Medicine from the Pastoral Medical Association.When faced with the conventional model of symptom management she explores ‘why’ the body is responding in a way that results in adverse health. Doing so in a way which empowers her clients through sharing and educating, so they too, can take charge of their health.
Salena is going to show you how to address root issues related to chronic illnesses by addressing the imbalances in the microbiome. Here is such a sampling of what she will be covering:
What is the microbiome and what role does it play in my child's health?
What things are associated with an unbalanced microbiome?
How do we influence our child's microbiome?
What probiotic should my child take?
How do we know what is going on inside our child? How can we find the pieces to the puzzle?
Bonus: Receive access to Salena's "Putting The Puzzle Together" Worksheets and Ebook
Craniosacral Therapy
Dr. Paulvin believes in combining traditional and alternative treatments when he treats patients. Dr. Paulvin has earned many board certifications to insure the best care of for his patients. He is Board Certified in Family Medicine, Integrative and Holistic Medicine, Osteopathic Manipulation Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Craniosacral Therapy, and Medical Acupuncture. Dr. Paulvin has also taken extra courses so he can treat patients with Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Autism, and other autoimmune issues. Dr. Paulvin was also voted as a Top Doc in 2016.
Dr. Paulvin believes in natural and holistic treatments for pain, and healing sports injuries. Dr. Paulvin performs cupping, Osteopathic Manipulation, Dry Needling, Biopuncture, and Prolotherapy.
Dr. Paulvin can treat all conditions by looking for the root cause. He specializes in treating Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, SIBO, Lyme Disease, Hashimoto’s and Headaches.
Dr, Paulvin believes in using nutrition, exercise, mind-body techniques, and supplements as add on treatments to help patients feel their best.
Dr, Paulvin is a member of numerous societies and charitable organizations. He is an active member of the Institute of Functional Medicine, ILADS, The Arthritis Foundation. He also gives back through charity organizations like St. Jude’s, Autism Speaks, and Special Olympics. Dr. Paulvin is an avid runner, and is an beginning screenwriter.
Dr. Pailvin is going to show you how to address root issues related to chronic illnesses by removing obstructions through chiropractic manipulations. Here is such a sampling of what he will be covering:
What chronic illnesses are associated with a misalignment in the structural frame of the body?
What is craniosacral therapy and what role does it play in my child's health?
How do we influence our child's alignment?
What are some simple strategies that a parent can use to support the healing process?
How do we know what is going for our child? How can we find the pieces to the puzzle?
The Flourish Formula
Courtney Pinkerton, M.Div & M.PP is a certified holistic life coach and the founder of Bird in Hand Coaching. She has helped hundreds of women wake up from the fog of busyness and to-do lists to discover their own custom Flourish Formula so that they can contribute their most dynamic professional and creative gifts and thrive in their personal lives. She holds dual master’s degrees from Harvard Divinity School and Harvard Kennedy School, is the creator of the Eight-Step Flourish Coaching Program and author of The Flourish Formula: An Overachiever’s Guide to Slowing Down & Accomplishing More. Courtney holds coaching certificates from Martha Beck International and the Spencer Institute. She hosts regular retreats for women in beautiful settings like San Miguel de Allende, Mexico and Granada, Nicaragua.
Courtney’s ten plus years as a guide, coach, and advocate have equipped (and excited) her to teach and write with authority on a range of popular women’s issues. Courtney is going to show you how to address root issues related to chronic illnesses with the Nine Secret Motivations that help us to guide our child through Life using the Enneagram. Here is such a sampling of what she will be covering:
What is the Enneagram?
What is the importance of identifying our child's sacred path?
How does the Enneagram show up in family life and how can I use the Enneagram to better understand my child?
How can I use the Enneagram to metabolize stress for my child and myself?
How do we know what is going on inside our child?
Bonus: Receive access to Courtney's a FREE Enneagram Family Guide including 9 Centering Practices especially for Children AND her FREE book The Flourish Formula.
PlayBig Therapy and Learning Center
Rachel Scharlepp is co-owner of PlayBig. She has been working with children ages 0-18 years old with various issues for over ten years. She earned a Bachelor’s of Science in psychology from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. She attended graduate school at FSU and earned a Master’s of Social Work. She is licensed by the state of Florida as a clinical social worker, has earned advanced graduate training in infant mental health, and is a Registered Play Therapist. Rachel is currently a doctoral candidate in the Combined Doctoral Program in Counseling Psychology and School Psychology at Florida State University. Rachel has specialized training in assessing and treating trauma, adoption, autism, and mental health disorders. She values training up-coming therapists. She is a Clinical Social Work Internship Site, Qualified Supervisor of Registered Social Work Interns, and she serves as the local chapter president of the Florida Association for Play Therapy, facilitating annual play therapy specific trainings.
Rachel is going to share with us the secret of PlayBig's unique therapeutic approach and the successes that have been experienced by children with chronic illnesses. Here is such a sampling of what she will be covering:
What is the PlayBig method and how does it uniquely address the needs of a child with chronic illness?
What is neuroplasticity and how does that relate to a sensorimotor approach to therapy?
What should parents expect from an integrative therapeutic approach?
What are the red flags that signal to parents the need to change or expand upon their child's current therapeutic program?
What are some simple strategies that parents can use to support the healing of their child with a chronic illness?
Bonus: Receive FREE access to Rachel's awesome resource guide to "Creating New Brain Pathways to heal your child."
With over thirty years of clinical experience, Eileen Sullivan, PhD, has training and expertise in a wide range of therapeutic modalities ranging from addictions to xenophobia. Her Doctorate is in field of Adult Learning Theory, with a specific focus on how individuals and groups learn and change. Eileen is also a graduate of the San Francisco Gestalt Institute and is certified as a GAPS™ guide.  Having a sturdy, healthful physical body is fundamental to the development and evolution of an individual’s soul and spirit. Eileen joins us today to discuss family learning and the beneficial role a GAPS restorative intervention may offer the whole family and in particular for highly sensitive, and developmentally challenged children.
Dr. Eileen is going to show you her secret strategy for changing how you and your child look at food. This change in mindset will set you up for success. Here is such a sampling of what she will be covering:
What is family learning as it relates to healing children?
What is the connection between psychology and emotions in relationship to the digestive system and chronic illness?
What is the GAPS plan? When should one consider using such an approach to food?
Children with developmental and behavioral challenges are notoriously finicky eaters, how does a parent implement this seemingly radical program?
Suggestions for the long-term success and support of the child in a world full of junk food and unhealthful choices.
How the four foundational interacting realms of rhythm, warmth, diet, and spirituality support the child development?
Bonus: Receive Dr. Sullivan's hand out of critical tips and guidelines for family healing and GAPS.
Anthroposophic Medicine
Dr. Kelly Sutton has been a medical doctor for almost 50 years. She learned from her patients that there were ways to heal she had not learned about in medical school, and so she took up the study of holistic medicine. The changing pattern of the practice of medicine has impressed her -- first medicine was a profession, then a business, now it is an 'industry.' This paralleled the shifts in society toward less human and more technical time in our lives, the increasing environmental toxins we endure, the deterioration of traditional values, and the increase in chronic illness and loss of human capacity, especially in our children. Dr. Sutton has an integrative medical practice with other like-minded physicians in Fair Oaks CA, www.raphaelmedicine.com, and she is happily involved in her family around the first grandchild on the east coast.
Dr. Sutton is going to address root issues related to chronic illnesses from the perspective of medical doctor who uses a holistic approach in her practice. Here is such a sampling of what she will be covering:
What is Anthroposophic Medicine and the foundation of this system?
What is a human being and why is the soul important in addressing illness?
How do we address our child's needs through a deeper understanding of the 7 Cycles of Human development?
How do we support and increase the depleted energetic resources of a child with chronic illness?
Why is the kidney and liver areas more easily depleted in children with chronic illness?
How do the use of medications impact the body's natural healing process?
Why do we not need to be afraid of acute illness?
Bonus: Receive Dr. Sutton's FREE Resource and Reference Sheet
Aromatherapy and
Safe Touch
Kate Taluga is Guided by Heart and led by joy to touch people's lives through massage, therapeutic essential oils and herbal supports. She worked with children as an Afterschool Program specialist for over a decade. Join us for the unique experience of Kate's touch in your life and by extension the lives of your children.on the east coast.
Kate is going to share with us her secret strategy for changing hearts of children to be motivated by a love and concern for others to change their own behavior. Here is such a sampling of what she will be covering:
How does aromatherapy work?
What is the difference between therapeutic grade essential oils and "smelly" stuff?
How do we use the olfactory sense and other types of sensory stimulation to create Brain connections and balance the emotions?
How do we help our chhildren to expand their emotional vocabulary and establish new emotional set points?
How do sensory therapies help children with chronic illnesses to heal holistically?
Bonus: Receive access to Kate's FREE Resource Guide
Trauma Treatment Center
Alexandria Zettler (Dr. Z) is a board-certified art therapist, certified trauma therapist, licensed mental health counselor (FL) and the owner/operator of Studio1. She earned her Ph.D. in Art Education with a specialty in Art Therapy (2014), a MS in Art Therapy (2010), and a MiT in Elementary Education (1996). Her dissertation study involved helping adolescents living in maladaptive family systems develop a visual language to tell their trauma story. Alexandria's MS in Art Therapy project focused on improving the cognitive functioning of students in an ESE self-contained classroom. Her MiT thesis focused on helping elementary students develop a strong inner locus of control.
Alexandria provides outpatient services in mental health, education (guest lecturer and adjunct faculty member), and graduate student and post-graduate art therapy supervision. She has earned certificates in mandala theory, autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, and trauma therapy.
Specialties include Instinctual Trauma Response (ITR) method, Cognitive-behavioral Art Therapy (CBATx), Art Education, Exceptional Student Education, Technology, Socratic Method, and the use of technology as a therapeutic mediator.
Dr. Zettler is going to show you her strategy for helping children heal trauma with Art. Here is a sampling of what she will be covering:
What types of trauma do children experience that we as adults may not recognize?
What is the Instinctual Trauma Response Method?
How the the response of children vary in comparison to adults? Why?
How do you access and heal trauma through the senses when the cognitive parts of the brain are impaired and unable to communicate effectively?
Bonus: Receive access to Dr. Zettler's FREE Guide to Trauma Therapy
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